viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012

The sound of silence

This is the song that we listened last week to start working in its interesting content. I told you: we will sing it of course ;-) It's a classic pop song by Simon & Garfunkel, composed in 1966. We could learn a lot of interesting things with this nice song like, for example, the simple polyphony with two voices, the relation between lyrics and music, the poetic expression...
Here you have the lyrics with the activities that you must do in your music notebook, and a video-karaoke to start singing by yourself.

"The sound of silence"
Hello darkness, my old friend,
I've come with talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping,
left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain,
still remains
within the sound of silence.

In restless dreams I walked alone,
narrow streets of cobblestone
Neath the halo of a streetlamp,
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light,
split the night
and touched the sound of silence.

And in the naked light I saw,
ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking,
people hearing without listening
People writing songs
that voices never shared,
and no one dared
to stir the sound of silence.
Fool, said I, you do not know
silence, like a cancer, grows
Hear my words and I might teach you,
take my arms then I might reach you
But my words,
like silent raindrops fell,
and echoed in the wells of silence.

And the people bowed and prayed
to the neon god they'd made
and the sign flashed its warning
In the words that it was forming
and the sign said the words of the prophets
Are written on the subway walls
and tenement halls,
and whispered in the sounds of silence.
1.- Write a list with the words that you don’t know and use the dictionary to find them.
2.- Try to summarize the content of the song in 5-10 lines
3.- What do you think about the theme of this song?. Express your opinion.
4.- What are your favourite verses?. Why?
5.- Read this paragraph again: People talking without speaking, people hearing without listening. People writing songs that voices never shared. What do you think?.  Which is the meaning?
6.- What do you think about the meanings of the expression "the sound of silence" in this song?

jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012

Luka song

As you know, last 25th November was the international day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Here you have the Luka's song in which we have been working those days about this theme. Also here you have the lyrics and a video-karaoke to sing if you like it ;-)

My name is Luka
I live on the second floor
I live upstairs from you
Yes I think you've seen me before

If you hear something late at night
Some kind of trouble. some kind of fight
Just don't ask me what it was (x3)

I think it's because I'm clumsy
I try not to talk too loud
Maybe it's because I'm crazy
I try not to act too proud

They only hit until you cry
After that you don't ask why
You just don't argue anymore (x3)

Yes I think I'm okay
I walked into the door again
Well, if you ask that's what I'll say
And it's not your business anyway
I guess I'd like to be alone
With nothing broken, nothing thrown

Just don't ask me how I am (x3)

My name is Luka
I live on the second floor
I live upstairs from you
Yes I think you've seen me before

If you hear something late at night
Some kind of trouble, some kind of fight
Just don't ask me what it was (x3)

And they only hit until you cry
After that, you don't ask why
You just don't argue anymore (x3)


martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

Santa Cecilia y la Música

Santa Cecilia y un ángel (Orazio Gentileschi, 1611¿?)
Como cada año, el día 22 de Noviembre se celebra el día de Santa Cecilia, patrona de la Música y, por lo tanto de los músicos. Es día festivo en los conservatorios y en carreras universitarias como Musicología: también son usuales los conciertos conmemorativos.
Como ya he comentado en las clases, os propongo un ejercicio sencillo de carácter voluntario (salvo en 4º ;-) que por supuesto contará en vuestra nota final. 

Santa Cecilia (John William Waterhouse, 1895)
Se trata de dos cuestiones relacionadas con este día. Primera: ¿por qué Santa Cecilia es la patrona de la Música?, ¿cuando vivió?, ¿qué relación se le atribuye con la Música?. Segunda, ¿qué importante compositor español nació precisamente un 22 de Noviembre?, ¿qué famosísima obra para guitarra compuso y es la obra de música española más escuchada en todo el mundo?, ¿qué minusvalía física padeció?.
Podéis realizar esta actividad a través de un comentario aquí en el blog (ojo, redactado con vuestras propias palabras: no servirán los "corta y pega"), o en vuestro cuaderno de clase. También os recuerdo que es una actividad individual.

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

Audiciones para subir nota

Ya os comenté que os propondría algunas audiciones más para que, de manera voluntaria, las realicéis según el esquema que hemos venido trabajando tantas veces en las últimas semanas. Pues bien, aquí las tenéis para que os ganéis un buen pellizco más de buena nota (podéis realizar todas o alguna en concreto):